Recommended places for breakfast/lunch/dinner near our accommodation
Cafetería Polo, menú 12 €, breakfasts (apertura 7 mañana)
Cafetería Rialto - breakfasts (apertura 6 mañana)
Hotel Roma – Menú 20-25 € media
Hotel Restaurante Mar de Plata – Menú 15 € media
Mesón Roberto (15 min andando) Street Malecon menú 12 -15 €
Mesón Santiago (15 min andando) Street Malecon menú 12 -15 €
Pulpería Luis (15 min andando) Street Calvo Sotelo esquina malecón
A travesia dos soños , Located in the old area of Sarria behind the church Santa Maria menú 12 -15 €
Services near the hostel
Farmacia Vázquez Vilariño - 5 minutes walk from our hostel.
Holidays and weekends consult the website
Mercadona 2 minutes walk from our hostel, calle Xela Arias
Eroski 5 minutes walk from our hostel, Calle Matías Lopez
What you can see in Sarria We recommend this website where they show us all the tourist information
Find all the information about the Camino de Santiago and tourism in Galicia.
Turismo Galicia
Información Camino Santiago Eroski
Asociación Camino de Santiago Sarria
Grupo facebook fotos antiguas Sarria
Ayuntamiento de Sarria